On, Dasher! On, Dancer! On, flour and sugar! And frosting. Lots of frosting. It’s no wonder we were fired from our job calling roll at Santa’s reindeer training barn. But what can we say? Our brain always goes to Christmas-themed reindeer cakes.
Unicorn cakes have had their moment, and now it’s time for reindeer cakes to take center stage. From cakes shaped like reindeer to desserts featuring the animal we keep forgetting is actually real, these will make a great centerpiece at your upcoming holiday party. After the eggnog, of course.
23 Holly Jolly Reindeer Cakes
1. Feliz Navidad Reindeer Cake
Complete with a tree, banner, Christmas lights, and the cutest reindeer you ever did see, this cake is overflowing with Christmas spirit. And, hopefully, frosting.

2. Green and Red ‘Fro
We’re pretty upset that this reindeer can pull off a green and red mane because when we don a similar wig, we look like clowns. Maybe the antlers tie it together. We’ll try it with antlers.
3. Pink Nose Reindeer Cake
Between those shiny gold antlers, long lashes, and soft pink nose, this reindeer is sure to be the centerpiece of the dessert table. And also that girl next door that all the dudes loved because she didn’t know she was a catch. She thinks I’m cute!
4. Rudolph Cake
Between Rudolph’s shimmering 3D nose and full use of the golden hour lighting, this whole situation is *chef’s kiss*. Or, uh, baker’s kiss. We guess.
5. Blue and White
Using Hanukkah colors of blue and white is a power move and has us imagining that this adorable cake is a mastermind. Travis Kelce, take notes.
6. Abstract Reindeer Cake
We love a cute reindeer face, but this creative interpretation puts us in the festive spirit all the same. Who needs a face, anyway? Wait, er – you know what we mean. Move along, Hannibal.
7. Diva Deer Cake
Look at those shimmering antlers. Look at them thick lashes. This cake is a fabulous fawn and a delicious diva at the same time. We’ll take either compliment, btw.
8. Flower Crown Reindeer Cake
Are we the only ones who think this flower-studded deer has a little bit of a Midsommar vibe? Or is that just us trying to force the next Christmas/horror mash-up because our friends claim we need to “seriously calm down, we just watched Nightmare Before Christmas.”
9. Star Shades
Don’t like cake? This one can’t hear haters over how awesome it is. That’s how sunglasses work, right?
10. Fondant Reindeer Topper Cake
Instead of modeling the whole cake after a reindeer, this baker perched a full deer right on top. It’s sitting peacefully, proving beyond doubt that reindeer are definitely real and obviously can be trained just like dogs. So, Mom, your arguments have fallen apart and we think it’s time for a pet.
11. Fluffy Brown Reindeer Cake
Maybe it’s been years since you thought about that famous line from Despicable Me, but we took one look at this cake and were consumed by the urge to say “It’s so fluffy!!!!!” Our immaturity, you say?
12. Dome Deer
As impressive as this dome cake is, we can’t possibly admire it for too long. It’s covered in shiny chocolate. Surrounded by Rolos. It would be a sin not to eat. Like, yesterday.
13. Baby Reindeer Cake
This cake really lives up to the doe eyes idea – its squinty-by-smile eyes are larger than life and unabashedly adorable. Even if our eyes were this big, they still wouldn’t be bigger than our stomachs. Another slice, please.
14. Double Barrel Doe Cake
Some requests are tall orders. Some stories are tall tales. We don’t care about any of that. We want tall cakes, and lots of them.
This towering reindeer cake might be immense in stature, but it’s still absolutely precious and presumably filled with many layers of cake and frosting.
15. Joyful Reindeer Cake
This reindeer is clearly into fine literature because it is pulling fashion influence from Waldo and seating inspiration from Humpty Dumpty. Who’s gonna break the news about that whole sitting-on-a-wall thing?
16. Sundae Deer
The top of this creative cake is joyfully reminiscent of a hot fudge sundae. We commend the commitment, because we learned that when it comes to wearing a hot fudge sundae as a hat, it’s a lot easier to put on than it is to take off.
17. Rose Gold
This rose gold version of a reindeer cake looks as much like something you’d find in a jewelry store as something you’d find in a bakery, which is the kind of social butterfly we aspire to be.
18. Cubic
Skeptics may complain “Deer aren’t square,” to which we say, “they also have legs and bodies and don’t fly so shut up and eat the cake. Respectfully.”
19. Wide-Eyed Rudolph Cake
This wide-eyed, fudge-covered rendition of the famed red-nosed reindeer looks like the cake artist captured the moment when the cake saw a horde of hungry bloggers spot a chocolate cake and clamor towards it with forks in hand.
Not us, though. We’d never waste time with forks.
20. Cute and Fuzzy Reindeer Cake
Two things that we love about holidays: adorable reindeer and comfortable cable-knit sweaters. This cake artist incorporates texture that makes the cake look fuzzy in a cozy-sweater way, instead of how we get fuzz on our cakes – by leaving them out until New Years.
21. Rudolph Cake Roll
Rudolph sports that famous schnozz front and center on this Swiss roll cake. Guiding Santa’s sleigh was fine but now Rudolph is truly doing the lord’s work. By guiding our forks to our mouths.
22. Momma Deer
Remember Pikmin? This cake has got large, expressive eyes to watch over an army of sleeping reindeer macarons. Are the eyes wide with fear, the mother knowing that she and all of her blissfully ignorant slumbering children will soon be devoured? Maybe.
But our bigger question is…if Mom is a cake and kids are macs – who’s the father?
23. Sweet Reindeer Cake
Instead of decorating the sides with reindeer features, this baker opted to adorn the top. A brilliant move, because not only is it adorable on its own, but it also invokes the culinary technique that the French call “looking like a swaddled baby looking up at you from a crib.” We think. We failed French.
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