It’s good! But that’s it. It tastes like every other strawberry ice cream anyone has ever had. We wouldn’t waste a trip to Cold Stone for this one.
Solid. It tastes like sweetened cream. (It’s in the name!) There’s no reason and should should be no expectation for it to be anything more.
No pistachio on earth tastes like this. It smells and tastes like maraschino cherries and looks like mint, and we’re fine with that. It’d certainly satisfy our ice cream craving, but never our pistachio craving.
This coffee ice cream might bridge the divide between lovers and haters of coffee ice cream. There’s not an overwhelming coffee flavor, but enough to know it’s there.
This tastes at first like brown sugar ice cream, but the flavors build to somehow include everything you’d taste in chocolate chip cookie dough. We don’t even need the beat to drop.